The Process

Social Enterprise (SE) development is a multi-faceted business process. Our team’s focus is to provide consultation and development services to charitable and non-profit organizations. Whether your group is just beginning to look at potential SE opportunities or has a clear vision of what you want to create or are looking to expand an existing enterprise we are here to assist.

Closing the deal with Slammin' Sammy Sosa

Signed Sammy Sosa to help kids

We can facilitate funding and/or partnership opportunities. We have examined structural and legal options that enable charities to enter into revenue generation without putting their charitable status at risk. Has your group formed or considered forming a social enterprise committee to guide the process? Have you considered conducting a needs assessment and creating an asset map? Whether you have a ‘Future Plan or are in need of one we can assist.

Is your organization in need of a feasibility study, market research or financial model? Have you looked at applying for funding from any of the numerous groups that help non-profits to examine social enterprise opportunities? Our teams are here to guide and assist.

Many organizations have the desire to grow but may lack the manpower and knowledge to have all your questions answered internally. If this sounds like you we are here to assist.

There are always many questions that need to be asked, many pieces that must fall into place when we begin to look at
the potential for social enterprise development (or expansion) within an organization. Now is the time to reach out and see if our experience and knowledge can assist your group in reaching those goals.

We are committed to your success.

Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you have any questions. I am just an email or call away. Joseph MacLean at: 778-835-5801.